Moon Dancer Leather(ムーンダンサーレザー)

Moon Dancer Leather(ムーンダンサーレザー)

Moon Dancer Leather(ムーンダンサーレザー)
デザイナー the Dancer Family

Moon Dnace Leatherは1995年にアメリカにてDancer Familyにより設立。
South Western Styleをメインに、特にSanta Fe、Taosのイメージを取り入れ、他にはない独自のオリジナルデザインを提供しています。
– both USA and Philippines locaton use the same quality materials. –
ディアスキンはNumber One Grade USA Deerskin Leatherを使用。
アメリカ国内でもMoon Dnace Leatherのフリンジアイテムには定評があり、アメリカ国内に留まらず人気を集めています。

Moon Dancer Leather
Designer the Dancer Family

MoonDancer Leather was conceived and created in the United States by the Danser Family in 1995. The Primary influence being the South West Designs and atmosphere of the New Mexico. Particularly Santa Fe and Taos. Over the years as demand for our products grew, especially wholesale , expansion of manufacturing capability was required. Unfortunately it is difficult, if not impossible, to compete in the wholesale markets when nearly all of your competitors (including most of the big brand names) manufacture their products in Asia.
After several attempts elsewhere we found the quality talent we need in the Philippines. Both USA and Philippines location use the same quality materials. Nearly all wholesale is produced in the Philippines. For effeciency reasons most osf the small items, jewelry, footwear and over half of the clothing is produced in the Philippines. This allows us to keep our prices low and still make high quality products for more customers.

Moon Dancer Leather(ムーンダンサーレザー)
Moon Dancer Leather(ムーンダンサーレザー)
Moon Dancer Leather(ムーンダンサーレザー)